On Sunday mornings I get to spend an hour with 2 and 3 year old kids. Often I just observe them. I'm so jealous of their ability to be unbothered. There only worry seems to be if they get to play with the play-doh. I wish I was more like them...
One morning I asked to them, "Do you guys pray?" They all said "Ya!" "About what?" "Food, mom, dad, everything!" "To who do you pray to?" "JESUS!"... Why aren't we all so excited to tell others about praying and Jesus?! After this conversation I guess I did think praying was more exciting.. Why wasn't I always seeing it this way?!
I want this faith.
This childlike faith. The ability to state what you believe without fear. The ability to proclaim the good and shrug off the bad. The ability to love others even after harm has been done and your play-doh has been stolen. The ability to hold no grudge.
"Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."
-Mark 10:15